Conveniently Drowsy - Interactive Data Visualization
PROJECT TYPEInformation Design Class Project
Conveniently Drowsy is an interactive data visualization illustrating the misuse of antipsychotic medications in Canadian nursing homes. The experience begins on a landing page that introduces the problem and sets the tone for the site. The user then navigates to an animation of pills falling on the screen, signifying the impact of chemical restraint as the dots shift from bright yellow to grey, ordered, and motionless. Users can then interact with the data visualization to see the details of each prescription and learn more about the amount and types of drugs used.

I chose to visually represent each resident prescribed antipsychotic medications in Canadian nursing homes to emphasize the extent of misuse and evoke an emotional impact. This project highlights my interest in designing narrative-based infographics and designing an experience that humanizes numerical data.
Conveniently Drowsy

Conveniently Drowsy
