Erica Monzali's profile

Profondità visiva per elementi piani (Art)

Profondità visiva per elementi piani
Art - Printmaking - Silkscreen - Installation
Silk screen printing and mixed techniques on paper.
Printing: 75 x 110 cm (Fabriano, 180 gr)
Frottage/paintings: 80 x 120 cm (Canson, 125gr)
It’s a series of 5 artworks depicting abstract graphic forms called “grottesche”.
Each image was created starting from a single module repeated and symmetrically translated in such a way as to create complex shapes which I call "grotesque" as they recall a form of wall decoration, the grotesque, characterized by repeated, rotated, specular elements that create imaginative decorative forms.

The works are exhibited in such a way as to enter into a relationship with the space, freeing themselves from the concept of two-dimensionality typical of print and its support.
By manipulating the paper, rotating it, bending in on itself, the material takes on volume and presence in space: visual depth for flat elements.
Printed at ESADMM (École supérieure d'art et de design Marseille-Méditerranée)​​​​​​​
Profondità visiva per elementi piani (Art)


Profondità visiva per elementi piani (Art)
