The design challenge for this project was to design a typographic poster for a week’s worth of events with speakers and workshops held each day while also incorporating an original modular typeface to create an event logo and to draw inspiration from. The project goal was to create a poster design that appealed to today's design audience while still feature different vintage or historical design choices. The target audience is anyone at Flagler College who has an interest in design or a desire to further their knowledge of the design field to learn more about what is being offered during the many Design Week events. The poster’s goal is to display the information about all of the events held from Monday through Friday clearly while also having an eye-catching appeal.

The design solution is based on both vintage posters and art as well as more modern geometric designs while using typography as a central element of design. The “Queen Victoria” modular typeface was used as the primary design inspiration and creating the main event logo for the poster. This modular typeface was used as well as the typeface titled Chaparral Pro as a supporting typeface. The serif typeface was used to provide legibility in the smaller point size as well as providing a similarity to the serif style of the modular typeface, Queen Victoria. Using the more Victorian themed typeface along with a combination of color palettes that were commonly seen in Art Nouveau pieces to reference back to older styles of design. The geometric and more minimalist aspect of the design elements references to the cleaner and more simplified aspect of design that is more commonly seen in modern designs. The design goals were achieved through form, color, and typeface design decisions. There is contrast present in the presentation of the varying aspects of the information about each event that is being held. There are easily identifiable elements such as the name or title of the event, the day that the event is taking place, the time, and location. This design solution transmits the overall message of Design Week as well as showing connections to the past and present of design while drawing the viewer in to discover more about the events that will be held during the week.

Design Week Poster

Design Week Poster

The design challenge for this project was to design a typographic poster for a week’s worth of events with speakers and workshops held each day w Read More
