Located in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Capilano University (CapU) enrolls approximately 11,600 students every year. CapU is a teaching-focused university offering a wide range of programs and services that enable students to succeed in their current studies.

- What does the student experience feel like?
- How does it feel when you learn that one of your alumni has been working on a big project? Knowing that their success was because of you guys.
- Do you guys have any programs that you want to add in the future?

        Capilano University informed me about a lot of what they had to offer and made rethink on where I wanted to go for post-secondary. They had a variety of choices for their courses and their campus was a sight to see. I was taken aback on how refined their student's works were, it put a whole new perspective for me. 
"I’m an artist and Creative Director based in Ottawa, Canada and co-owner of Birling, a local skateboard brand and shop. By day, I work as an Art Director for animated TV shows and movies and have worked with clients including Disney, Warner Brothers, Nickelodeon, National Geographic, and Mattel. I’ve always been interested in the tactile and physical process of design work and in recent years have shifted my focus from digital commercial design to projects that highlight my love of travel and adventure. My personal work is based primarily on my lived experiences captured on-the-go in sketchbooks." 
- Tomas Pajdlhauser,
- How do you tell the difference between a good portfolio and a bad one?
- How did you create your own art style?
- What is the hardest project you have worked on?
       Tomas Pajdlhauser to me, has one of the best art styles that I have ever seen. Last year he visited and I was blown away from how good he was, I learned a lot from him that year and I learned more from him this year. I now also know if anyone asks if you can do a certain thing, you always say yes.

- While working on Fraction, how hard was it to convey emotions without using spoken language?
- How did you keep yourself motivated working on your animations?
- What was the hardest part of creating an animation?
       Listening to Alain Delannoy's presentation made me realize how committed you have to be to get into and survive in the industry. I learned a lot from him and I enjoyed every single second of his talk. I hope I can stay as committed as he did when I am pursuing this for my career.


Workshops and reflections.
