We, All!, Glass, 30" x 7" x 6", October 2018
We, All!, Glass, 30" x 7" x 6", October 2018
We, All!, Glass, 30" x 7" x 6", October 2018
We, All!, Glass, 30" x 7" x 6", October 2018
We, All! (Detail), Glass, 30" x 7" x 6", October 2018
We, All! (Detail), Glass, 30" x 7" x 6", October 2018
We, All! (Detail), Glass, 30" x 7" x 6", October 2018
We, All! (Detail), Glass, 30" x 7" x 6", October 2018
We All! is Multi layered fused glass installation which was part of my MFA thesis exhibition titled "Suspension". 
Suspension features a series of artworks which have one core formal concern in common: the contradiction between what happens and what is expected.
I created this text-based series in continuation with the latest stage of my research studies associated with the power of words to instigate change, and their significant role in lives today. However, within this new body of work, I illustrated and challenged the paradox between our expectations and assumption of a statement or concept, and the reality of what is being performed, perceived, or understood in an ironic manner.

The creative act to challenge meaning, combines temporariness, decomposition, and layering, leading us to the very edge of political concerns and issues in contemporary era, which ultimately leaves many feeling insecure, uncertain, and vulnerable. The utilized materials are in direct connection with the concepts that I am trying to convey.

We All!


We All!
