Profilo di 應爵 Yinjue

Halfday Tea Institute Taiwan Tea Series 半日焙茶所 · 台灣茶系列

項目 PROJECT 台灣茶系列包裝識別與文案撰寫
Halfday Tea Institute Taiwan Tea Series Packaging Design and Copywriting for Tea & Teaware Store ( 迪化半日 Dihua Halfday )

過去與現在,在這裡交會 Past Meets Present

以「 茶托上的半日慢行  」為概念,透過溫故知新的手法,為迪化街百年歷史建築改建後的選物空間,規劃全新的台灣茶品牌 { 半日焙茶所 Halfday Tea Institute } ,整體視覺規劃結合具代表性的台灣茶與老屋新生,期望能為大稻埕新舊交融的特殊氛圍,復刻當年以「 茶 」為首的歷史風華,同時傳遞品牌「 本舖謹製 · 以心烘焙 」的初衷,創造出傳統與現代交融的新經典。

Dihua Halfday is a concept store renovated from Dihua Street old house, launching a new Taiwanese tea series project “ Halfday Tea Institute ”, and carry out the overall visual planning of the brand with the concept of “ Halfday Downshifting on Tea Tray ". The brand is based on a combination of representative Taiwanese tea and century-old house. I wish to merge the tradition and modernity to create another classic based on the reminiscent atmosphere of Da Dao Cheng.
半日焙茶所 Halfday Tea Institute


半日二字典出唐詩人李涉 { 登山 } 中,對於身在無定的人世光景中多得半日清閒的感悟 。
半日焙茶所 Halfday Tea Institute 透過慢慢醞釀以及恰到好處的火候拿捏,傳遞品牌 「 半日慢行 」的生活之道。

「 半日 」の二文字は、唐の時代の詩人、李渉の「 登山 」という詩を出典としており、不安定な世の中で、気楽な半日の時間を過ごすことができたという作者の感慨に由来しています。また、「 焙茶 」とは、茶葉の焙煎工程を指しており、焙煎を行うことで、茶葉の苦みと渋みを抑え、上質な香りと甘い余韻を引き立たせることができます。半日焙茶所 Halfday Tea Institute では、ほど良い火加減でじっくりと時間をかけて茶葉を仕上げることにより、「 ゆっくり半日を過ごす 」という当ブランドが大切にするライフスタイルをお伝えしています。

Halfday Downshifting on Tea Tray
The core concept “ Halfday ” comes from the poem Mountain Climbing written by the Tang Dynasty poet Li She, which indicates the half-day leisure feelings in the world of impermanence.
Roasting refers to the process of baking tea leaves by charcoal or gas. After roasting process, the bitterness of the tea is suppressed, the quality of the tea is improved, and the sweet aftertaste of the tea is increased.
The Halfday Tea Institute project delivers our brand's "Halfday Downshifting" lifestyle through slow brewing and just the right degree of roasting process.
№01|日月潭紅玉 Sun Moon Lake Black Tea
Tungting Oolong
桂花ウーロン茶 Osmanthus Sijichun Oolong
№04|阿里山金萱 Alishan Jinxuan Oolong 
№05|白玉蘭金萱 ギンコウボク金萱 White Michelia Jinxuan Oolong 
№06|四季茉莉 ジャスミン烏龍 Jasmine Sijichun Oolong
№07|野菊金萱 クリサンセマム金萱 Chrysanthemum Jinxuan Oolong
№08|龍眼花烏龍 リュウガンの花烏龍 Longan Flower Oolong
№02|凍頂烏龍 Tungting Oolong

Our tea garden is located on Jiufen Ershan Mountain, 1,100 meters above sea level in Nantou Guoxing Township. Tea farmers use natural farming methods to grow tea trees, so our product is pure and pollution-free.The tea maker uses the traditional “cloth-rolling” technique to make tea : In order to make the tea leaves into a tight spherical shape, the tea leaves will be wrapped in a cotton cloth, rolled into a large ball, pressed, and extracted for 30 to 40 rounds. As a result, the leaf edge of  Tungting oolong turns red.The infusion is bright amber with relaxing aroma and smooth aftertaste with sweetness. Tungting oolong tea is indeed one of the most representative Taiwanese teas.
№03|桂花四季春 桂花ウーロン茶 Osmanthus Sijichun Oolong

Nantou Mingjian Township is located on the well-drained Baguashan Platform. The soil here is a slightly acidic laterite, so it is very suitable for planting tea trees and sweet osmanthus. When harvesting osmanthus in the fall, workers need to pick osmanthus flowers by hand to ensure the quality.This time-consuming and laborious harvesting method allows the delicate fragrance of osmanthus flower to be completely preserved. When the roasted primary processed oolong tea is repeatedly scented with osmanthus flowers, the floral and tea fragrances merge with each other.Just take a sip and you will savor the meticulous tea body and the essence of autumn.
№04|阿里山金萱 Alishan Jinxuan Oolong 

海拔高度 1000 - 1500 M 的阿里山茶區。這裡氣候冷冽,上午日照充足,午後雲霧繚繞,茶園隱身在清淨無染的山林之間。茶樹吸收了這裡獨特的風土條件,芽葉柔軟、色澤翠綠,沖泡後的茶湯蘊含清新甘甜的「 山頭氣 」,這種令人著迷的芬芳,正是這塊土地原本的氣味。 
海抜1000 - 1500 Mの高所に位置する阿里山茶区。この地域は気候が非常に涼しく、午前中は十分に日が当たり、午後は霧に包まれます。そんな汚染されていない美しく澄んだ山の中に、まるで身を隠すかのように広がる茶畑で育つ茶の木は、この地特有の風土の下、艶やかな青緑色の柔らかな芽葉を育みます。お湯を注いで抽出された茶湯には清々しく甘味を帯びた「 山の風味 」が漂い、この魅惑的な香りは、まさにこの土地オリジナルの味わいと言えます。 
Alishan Tea Area at an altitude of 1000-1500 meters is a famous tea area in Taiwan. The climate here is cold. With the sufficient morning sunlight and the afternoon fog, the tea garden is hidden between the clean and untouched mountains. Due to the unique terroir conditions, the tea trees here produce green leaves and tender buds. When we brew this tea, we find that the infusion is full of refreshing sweetness and the “breeze of mountain.” This fascinating aroma is truly the signature essence of this land
№05|白玉蘭金萱 ギンコウボク金萱 White Michelia Jinxuan Oolong

白玉蘭的香氣一直深受台灣人的喜愛,大街小巷隨處可見的玉蘭花,便成了最貼近生活的氣味。屏東高樹鄉生產的白玉蘭,花型優美、香氣宜人, 以製作花茶的窨製工藝,一層白玉蘭一層烏龍的方式層層堆疊,讓花與茶的香氣彼此拌和。熱水沖泡後,溫潤的茶香伴隨淡淡花香,讓心情都春暖花開了。 
The aroma of white michelia has always been loved by Taiwanese. Therefore, white michelia can be found everywhere in life. And thus the fragrance of white micheliahas become an indelible part of Taiwanese olfactory memory. Magnolia planted in Gaoshu Township, Pingtung has elegant flower patterns and pleasant aromas. Our tea is made with traditional scenting crafts-the tea and flowers are placed in alternating layers to make the aroma of flowers and tea mix with each other. Brewing with hot water, the infusion contains delicate tea fragrance and elegant floral note. Take a sip, and you will feel the breeze of springtime. ​​​​​​​
№06|四季茉莉 ジャスミン烏龍 Jasmine Sijichun Oolong

We choose the Shy Jih Chuen oolong tea from Nantou Tea Area, which is smooth and full of tender aftertaste. The fragrance of jasmine flower cultivated in Changhua Huatan Township is light and not irritating. During the night, jasmine flowers start to release their fragrance. This is the best timing for tea scenting: the tea is blended with jasmine flowers and stored overnight for the tea to absorb the fragrance and flavor of the jasmine blossoms. The tea scent and floral note balance well. Take a sip, and the essence of springtime will lingering in your mouth for a long time. 
№07|野菊金萱 クリサンセマム金萱 Chrysanthemum Jinxuan Oolong

台灣原生種的小油菊,又稱野菊或甘菊,每年12月前後開滿花東的山腰上,這季節採收山區已經非常寒冷,為保留野菊完整的花形,須以手工一朵一朵溫柔地摘採,採收後以低溫烘乾保留野菊天然的香氣與養分。以熱水沖泡,初嚐時讓人舒緩的花香隨熱氣慢慢釋放,隨後引出金萱淡淡的特色奶香, 齒頰間盡是花東山野的芬芳。 
Chrysanthemum indicum is a native Taiwanese plant commonly called Indian chrysanthemum or wild chrysanthemum. Around December of each year, the mountainside of Huadong Mountain is full of the wild chrysanthemums. At this time, the temperature in the mountains is already very low. In order to preserve the shape of the chrysanthemum, the workers need to pick flowers by hand. After harvesting, the chrysanthemum is dried at a low temperature to retain its aroma and nutrients. Brew this tea with hot water and take a sip: What you first felt was that the soothing floral fragrance slowly released with the heat. Then it leads to the unique milky fragrance of the Jing Xuan variety. Finally, the essence of Huadong Mountains.
№08|龍眼花烏龍 リュウガンの花烏龍 Longan Flower Oolong

Zhongyu Township is located in Nantou Mountain Area. The air here is fresh and the water is pure and pollution-free. Therefore, the longan flower cultivated here is rich in aroma. After drying, the longan flowers emit a touch of longan honey. The flowering period of longan is very short. After shaking the longan flowers from the tree, flower pickers will screen to remove dried leaves and other debris. We use the sun to make the flowers dry naturally. Place the longan flowers on a traditional brick stove, stir fry on a small fire to keep the aroma of each flower. Finally, the dried flower is mixed with tea in a certain proportion. The tea scent and floral note balance well. Brew this tea with hot water. Take a sip, and the elegant honey note will lingering in your mouth for a long time.

入選 AWARD | The work has been selected in Asia-Pacific Design No.15

Halfday Tea Institute Taiwan Tea Series 半日焙茶所 · 台灣茶系列


Halfday Tea Institute Taiwan Tea Series 半日焙茶所 · 台灣茶系列
