The brief for this project consisted of researching a specific demographic in order to identify a problem that can be solved by creating a brand and accompanying packaging. I decided to research the tattoo community, and noticed that all tattoo care brands sold products for after getting inked, so I wanted to make something that provided both before- and aftercare. The Tattoolkit is an all-encompassing product targeted for first-timers, giving them all the tools they need and the confidence when going under the needle.

I built a wooden box with a sliding lid to give the overall product a more long-lasting, durable feel. I painted it all black to provide contrast against the white text and graphics. I screenprinted the label onto the box to ensure longevity, make the text look slightly worn, and to bring out the subtle texture of the wood. I brought it to a local tattoo shop and set it up on an ink tray to photograph it in the environment where it would be sold, and had some modeling help from one of my favorite tattoo artists.



Tattoolkit | The Kit For Tattoo First-Timers
