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Three Issues That Plague Intermediate Skiers

Beecher Scarlett, an account executive with many news and media organizations over the last 13 years, likes to spend his free time outdoors. Beecher Scarlett enjoys a wide range of outdoor activities, but especially likes to ski.

Even those who've started to feel comfortable on the slopes can fall prey to common mistakes. Skiers should keep an eye out for these common issues when they next hit the slopes.

Skiing in the backseat, in which skiers lean too far back, can cause backward falls, knee injuries, and shin pain. To reduce skiing in the backseat, skiers should put pressure toward the front of their boots, until they can see the boot bend at the ankle hinge slightly.

Skiing unfamiliar terrain, or terrain too difficult for one's level of ability, also harms skiers. Most of an intermediate skier's time on the slopes should be spent at difficulty levels one already feels comfortable with, rather than kicking up the difficulty too quickly.

Intermediate skiers also tend to put nearly equal weight on both skis during turns. Experts shift much of their weight to the outside ski during a turn, so intermediate skiers should spend some time practicing shifting their weight to hone this essential skill.
Three Issues That Plague Intermediate Skiers
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Three Issues That Plague Intermediate Skiers

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