From the series “Botany’s notebook":

These are the plants that I grow on my balcony. I have a small balcony with a few pots of flowers, and these are the things I see more when I'm sitting at my desk, and every time I look up from the drawing I'm doing, out of the window, this is what I see. I get distracted, but the distraction brings me right back to the need to draw, so I take another piece of paper and try to sketch the plants, their colors, the shadows and the light reflections dancing on their leaves. When I go back to the work I was previously doing, a little bit of these sketches is transferred in it, and this tells me that my drawings (my thoughts), though apparently distant and very different from each other, talk, communicate and transmit the information all together.
Sweet potato. Oil and pencil on paper, 16 x 30 cm, 1999
Sweet potato. Oil and pencil on paper, 16 x 30 cm, 1999
Ivy. Oil and pencil on paper, 16 x 30 cm, 1999
Ivy. Oil and pencil on paper, 16 x 30 cm, 1999 (ORIGINAL SOLD)
Amarillis . Oil and pencil on paper, 16 x 30 cm, 2005
Amarillis . Oil and pencil on paper, 16 x 30 cm, 2005 (ORIGINAL SOLD)
Amarillis . Oil and pencil on paper, 16 x 30 cm, 2005
Tradescantia. Oil and pencil on paper, 16 x 30 cm, 2005
Tradescantia. Oil and pencil on paper, 16 x 30 cm, 2005
Tradescantia. Oil and pencil on paper, 16 x 30 cm, 2005
Geraniums. Oil and pencil on paper, 30 x 44 cm, 2015 (ORIGINAL SOLD)
Geraniums. Oil and pencil on paper, 30 x 44 cm, 2015
Geraniums. Oil and pencil on paper, 30 x 44 cm, 2015
Disocactus. Oil and pencil on paper, 30 x 44 cm, 2016
Disocactus. Oil and pencil on paper, 30 x 44 cm, 2016
Disocactus. Oil and pencil on paper, 30 x 44 cm, 2016
Botany’s notebook

Botany’s notebook

A series of paintings and drawings about flowers and plants (botany and floral subjects). Contemporary art.
