Levente Szabo 的个人资料




Another year, another fantastic assignment from Helikon Publishing!

After acquiring the hungarian publishing rights for the complete works of Robert Merle they offered me the task to design the covers (hard cover and jacket) for all 13 major titles.

Other than some technical requirements they granted me absolute creative freedom — which I immensely appreciate.

Les hommes protégés  /  The Virility Factor
A sex-linked disease kills potent men and engenders a world in which women are the masters and movers
Le propre de l'homme  /  Monkey See, Monkey Do
A scientist couple adopts a small chimpanzee named Chloe and raise her as their child, but she faces with hostile reactions from the surroundings
Malevil  /  Malevil
Struggels of a handful of survivors after a nuclear war, trying to rebuild an agrarian society
L'idole  /  The Idol
Love and war  in 16th century Italy — a historical novel based on the Vittoria Accoramboni murder
Derrière la vitre  /  Behind the Glass
A quasi‐documentary about the May 1968 Student Unrest in France
Moncada, premier combat de Fidel Castro  /  Moncada, First Battle of Fidel Castro
Cuba exploded into revolution when Fidel Castro and about 140 rebels attacked the federal garrison at Moncada — they lost the battle but won the war
La mort est mon métier  /  Death is my Trade
A fictionalized biographical novel about Rudolf Lang — closely based on the real Rudolf Höß — commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp
Madrapour  /  Madrapour 
​​​​​​​A puzzling adventure of sixteen passengers on a plane heading to the mysterious Madrapour
Un animal doué de raison  /  The Day of the Dolphin
A 1967 science fiction novel about dolphins that are trained to communicate with humans, and their use in warfare
Le jour ne se lève pas pour nous  /  The Sun Never Rises for Us
The novel takes place on board the ballistic missile submarine The Inflexible during a 70-day operational patrol
Week-end à Zuydcoote  /  Week-end at Zuydcoote
This historical novel tells the life of a group of French soldiers trapped at Dunkirk for two days after the Allied defeat
L'île  /  The Island
Based on the tragic history of the Bounty mutineers after they settled on Pitcairn Island
Dernier été à Primerol  /  Last Summer in Primerol
Story of a young prisoner-of-war and his memories about the fragile peace and freedom of the summer



Covers for the major Robert Merle novels
