TILT fev 2019
From: Tiago Curioni, Pedro Matos, Raphael Garcia and Agela Oliveira 
Developed for: Universidade do Porto and Novibelo furniture.

The provocation of the inert, like a stone falling on the surface of a lake; changing the status quo; the projection of what comes from within, from the soul, from the heart.
TILT is the result of a series of prototypes with leftovers of wood and which culminated in a solution developed with one of the most common and traditional materials of the furniture industry, the MDF.
From the trash, the remains of previously burned plates, have become a sophisticated and elegant solution by the hands of the students of the Master of Industrial Design of the University of Porto. In partnership with state-of-the-art Novibelo industry, the MDF was carefully stacked after several studies and subsequently sculpted smoothly and sensitively by a CNC. The high gloss finish reflects this aspect of the plasticity of a material even rigid and cold and now denotes shapes that converge curves and provocative details.
The concept was developed in February after visits to the Novibelo plant in the city of Porto and presented as an alternative to discarding wood chips from the traditional Portuguese industry. The challenge was to transform the remains of a raw material considered fleeting into something that sublimated quality and appeal to the beautiful.
TILT is born as a pre-intended collection of what has been called luxury or exclusive.
We call it Unique.

