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How Quickly Can You Produce Content


Given the nature of the business world today, a lot of work has to be done everywhere and anywhere. As a creative working for any firm, your ability to produce content anytime is a super power you must have.

Fortunately there are so many tools that can help content producers, project managers or even publicists to create social media and web content with ease and fast.
I decided to test how fast I can produce content with this post while am on the go and also share the names of the quick and easy to use tools that I use and I know not so many people are familiar with yet.

Firstly I went to to create this image that took less than 5minutes to do.
Then I came to to create this post. So far I am 8 minutes in as I am trying to find the right words to lay as content.

It should be said that even though these tools help you create content with ease, the copy should be given enough though and the user be considered with respect, so no rushing this part no matter how pressed you may be.

Now for those tools I promised to share!

- I have already mentioned Canva but a great alternative is Adobe Spark (for desktop users) /Spark Post for Mobile App Users.
- Get yourself an advanced grammar checker tool like
- Photoshop Lightroom App for editing pics (there's many others)
- Visit Unsplash or Pexel sites for free to use, high resolution stock images
- Hootsuit so you can easily and quickly share your content across multiple platforms at the same damn time.

I love the 21st century!

So here we go, a generic content piece took me 30 minutes to create and it is 338 words 1,832 characters long.

I hope you enjoyed this content piece, create your quick insightful content, keep it simple and relatable and remember to track how long it took you to create.

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How Quickly Can You Produce Content

How Quickly Can You Produce Content
