Aurela Berila's profile

Parasitic Tendencies

With this project I wanted to portray parasitism as a propensity motivated by the positive benefit the parasite gets from the host. The game controls allow the player to only walk forward into the fish through the eye to represent the psychic inertia inherent in parasitic behaviors as a biological relationship explicitly (you, a bacteria and the fish as a host) but also as a metaphor for human behavior. So while there is a sense of agency, it is limited and closely driven by the conditions of the experience: the positive affect you receive while going through the cells which motivates you to keep going and to give into the stimulus (in biology this would be the nutrition you get; in this experience it is the visual spectacle), despite it limiting your agency overall. When the final stage is reached and the parasite has become dependent on the host, the agency that you have as a player reaches the lowest amount (you are unable to go through the spheres and are stuck inside). Repetition is a key component here because it represents "habit" as a disciple of inertia and an instigator of parasitism in human behavior specifically (but more broadly as well, I'm sure). You are supposed to go through cells for a little longer, but I had to shorten it because FRAPS only records 30 seconds. The speed of movement would also be significantly slower (had to speed it up for the same reason).
Parasitic Tendencies

Parasitic Tendencies
