Profil appartenant à Isis Marques

Inktober - Fairy tales Project

Inktober  - Fairytales Project
In 2017 I started do draw again after more than 2 years without a regular drawing routine. I had no idea where to start, but luckily enough it was October and I just decided to join the #inktober hashtag on instagram. As a theme I picked something I love dearly since ever: Fairytales. 

As a child my grandma would aways tell me the most beautiful stories straight out her mind. She grew up in a very humble background, with no electricity. At night her family would share stories to entertain kids and adults. She told me many tales, much darker than the Disney movies that I used to watch. Her stories were full of danger, adventure, fear and sometimes death. I grew up to be a big fan of fairytales and little by little I discovered the origins of some of the stories she would tell me, as the beautiful version of Cinderella where the fairy-godmother was replaced by a goldfish, or the amazing East of the Sun and West of the moon where the princess is the hero who actually saves the prince. 

I think it was the right step to bring me back to drawing, I hope you'll like it.

For more details on the stories, check my illustration-only instagram: @la.marchesa 
The Little Mermaid:
The Six Swans:
Snow White:
Donkey Skin:
If you liked it, please give click the "appreciate" button. =)
Inktober - Fairy tales Project
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Inktober - Fairy tales Project

After 2 years without drawing very often, I started an Inktober project about Fairytales to put me back to track.

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