Nick Beecham's profile

Making Visual Media - Week 1, #MVM19, #s5174809

Making Visual Media weekly content 2 - 

For my first weekly content for this course, I was asked to create a web icon of my face. The requirements of the brief reads:

- Cover image – photo of your completed design.  
- A reference photo of your face to demonstrate how your icon matches your appearance. 
- Any early drafts including sketches, initial Illustrator artwork. •
- Your WIP (work in progress). 
- Utilise text to summarise the brief and any other details relating to the project. 
- Include your student number as a hashtag (eg: #s1234567) and #MVM19

Initial design - This was my initial design. In my final design i touched up on several features, and adjusted certain parts to make it look smoother. 
Step One - Background and face shape was created.

Step Two - Hair was added
Step Three - Mouth was added
Step Four - Nose was added
Step Five - Eyes and eyebrows were added
Step 7 - Ears were added
Final Design - All features were refined and redeveloped. The face shape was remodelled, and all features such as the eyes were moved to more fitting positions. 
Reference Image

Making Visual Media - Week 1, #MVM19, #s5174809

Making Visual Media - Week 1, #MVM19, #s5174809
