Anna Shapiro's profile

A Social Network Case Study & Concept

Role: Concept / UX Design / UI Design
For: UX Course Middle Project
Case Study

A task 

Create a product for raw foodists that could make their life more comfortable and solve their problems

A bit about Raw Foodism

Is the dietary practice of eating only or mostly food that is uncooked and unprocessed. Depending on the philosophy, or type of lifestyle and results desired, raw food diets may include a selection of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, eggs, fish, meat, and dairy products. The diet may also have simply processed foods, such as various types of sprouted grains, cheese, and fermented foods. (Wikipedia)

Target audience

Category 1 - activists, ideologists, justice fighters, and opponents of violence against all living things

Category 2 - people obsessed with their health and convinced that a raw food diet is the only right option

Category 3 - people striving to be in trend, trying new things, monitoring health, and experimenting with diet
Pains of TA

- misunderstanding of others
- anorexia and dystrophy
- weakness and constant hunger at the beginning
- hard to find vegetables and fruits in winter
- hard to find food in cafes and restaurants
- amenorrhea, constipation, hair loss, and other health problems
Our Solution

Social network "rawbook" for raw foodists, vegans, and vegetarians who don't know where to start, for communication and information search, exchange of experience, and support to each other. 

We made a landing page that explains about a "Rawbook"
A Social Network Case Study & Concept

Project Made For

A Social Network Case Study & Concept

Raw Book - is a Landing Page for Social Network 
for Rawfoodists Concept
