Our Day and Age

My goal over the last two weeks was to create an innovative Gig poster for a specific type of music, the type of music millennials listen to. The pop music that we hear everyday on the radio. The gig poster went threw drastic changes starting as a social change poster to prevent abortion to a millennial themed poster geared towards a younger crowd. You will see these changes throughout this post. 


Starting with creative exercises I made sure to have a clear mind, exercise, and go without some programmed time to allow my mind to think for itself. I went through my first twenty five sketches, then word maps, and continued with additional sketches trying to come up with a unique and creative idea for the gig poster. I made sure to listen to the type of music I was trying to capture in my work while I was working. It helped to keep ideas flowing. I would try and interpret how the songs were making me feel and think of and make it into a physical sketch or idea. 

The drafting process allowed me to see my sketches
My first draft was a disaster. I had a vision in my head but had a hard time finishing through with it both on the computer and even while sketching.
The next two drafts were getting closer to what I wanted. However, after many hours of work I just wasn't able to get the hands the way I wanted them. The message didn't go along with my type of music and wasn't communicated clearly to my audience so I moved on to another idea.
I ended up morphing a few ideas I had into one draft. It was a risk since the week was winding down but I felt confident in my message and abilities to complete the gig poster.  
I appreciate any critique I can get I would ask peers and my teacher throughout the process of creating. More specifically I had a comment that was concerned with where I would put the date and time. I made sure to make room at the bottom under the avocado for those details.  

After hours and hours of work the gig poster is finally finished. Representing a generation of Millennials this avocado selfie queen is the center of the universe. Showing off her latest selfie proudly wearing her crown on the gig poster. This gig poster would get any millenial to attend a top hit pop artist concert! Typography that is stylish and clear to read will be sure to make sure every fan is in the right place at the right time. The subtle texture over the space pattern gives the poster a slight vintage feel. Creating new and innovative creative work this gig poster is sure to grab anyone's attention that walks by.
Millennial Queen

Millennial Queen
