Final Planet
Final Planet is a sci-fi twin-stick shooter that can be played solo or cooperatively with up to three other players. The game takes place on an untamed planet where the players, members of a para-military organization, must establish an outpost deep underground for the megacorporation that hired them.

One of the core mechanics of the game is the customization of the character's loadouts. As the players progress through the game, they can change their weapons and have access to more abilities, which allows them to experiment with different strategies.

As the only narrative designer and game writer, it was my job to write the game bible and create the game universe and characters, which I then documented for my colleagues. I also wrote all the dialogues and worked with the voice over artists during the recording sessions and collaborated with our cinematic animator during the production of the game intro. Additionally, I was in charge of programming the UI for the dialogue, which is displayed letter by letter. For the implementation in the levels, I used a custom system made by my colleague Frédéric McNamara.

The game is available for free on :
Final Planet