Afrikan Tähti (Star of Africa) is a classic Finnish board game designed by Kari Mannerla in 1951. Somehow this game has always attracted me (even though it’s based on pure luck) and I still force my family to play with me once in a while… ;-) And even though I think it’s a fantastic thing that some things remain unchanged in this increasingly ephemeral world (the design has remained the same for 68 years now), I set out a few months ago to redesign this classic as a sort of design challenge between client projects.

I didn’t set out to resolve specific design problems with the product (the game logic remains completely unchanged), my goal was simply to create a colourful, retroish design mixed with a more contemporary low-poly aesthetic that would hopefully be as fun to play as the original.

Disclaimer: this is a concept design which is not for sale and the manufacturer of the original game has nothing to do with it.
Afrikan Tähti


Afrikan Tähti
