Museums in Lombardy | Data journalism and infographics

Museums in Lombardy: a comparison between perception and reality

Data journalism story with interactive infographics
​​​​​​​The first interactive infographic is about museums and their annual number of visits. Which characteristics do the most popular museums have? The perception visualization shows what Italian people think about museums in Lombardy, while the reality viz represents the actual situation. ​​​​​​​
The second infographic focuses on prices and tipologies of museums. Where are the most expensive and what kind of museums are they? 

We tested the usability of both infographics with 12 user tests. We calculated their time period for running the tasks and the error rate. 
After some corrections to the infographics, we evaluated their quality with a psychometric assessment. The respondents had to consider how much the info vizzes are clear, usefull, interesting, communicative and beautiful. The overall assessment reached a good level.  
We included all the interactive infographics inside an article, adding methodological notes and assessment results at the end. 
Museums in Lombardy | Data journalism and infographics
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