Rico Reinhold's profile

Google.org: Impact Challenge Report

Client: Google.org via betterplace lab (Berlin, Germany)
Project: Editorial and infographic design

The research team at the Think & Do-Tank 'betterplace lab' in Berlin called upon us to design a report of their recent project, the Google Impact Challenge. 

Appeal to a predominantly corporate, professional and governmental target audience, while keeping a fresh edge, as the company aims to restructure ingrained thought patterns across individuals, teams and leaders. 

Use simple clarity and visual impact in language, logo mark, typography, colour palette, photography and iconography.

Our Role
I was responsible for every step in the process from initial conversation, creative brief and conceptual phase to art direction and design.


Google.org: Impact Challenge Report


Google.org: Impact Challenge Report

Report design that showcases the current situation of the Google Impact Challenge of Google.org
