In Colombia, “tusa” is the feeling that a broken heart causes. People tend to drink aguardiente to forget about this pain - or just use this as an excuse to drink guaro -.Tu Sabes translates to You Know. This line of aguardiente was created for those who know what they need to forget about their failed love life.

The three bottles are characterized by different characters depending on the type of break up. The first flavor is directed to all the people who just got tired, represented by an inconsistent chameleon for its ability to camouflage to any kind of situation. The second bottle, with the flavor of “Te Engañó” - You got cheated on - is represented by a betraying scorpion. And the third bottle is for all of those who got blocked by that special person and is represented by a serpent, an animal that is known for its evilness.




In Colombia, “tusa” is the feeling that a broken heart causes, and people tend to drink aguardiente to forget about that pain - Or just use this Read More
