ENCHANT is an artist's initiative to showcase art on clothes and accessories. The brand develops concept based designs and hand paints them on to the desired material.The customers can feel free to place their custom order.The three primary colours have been used to reflect the brands identity. The three primary colours are from which all the other colours are evolved and similarly Art is the ancestor of all digital prints. 
The name ENCHANT means "to fill someone with great delight / charm" and that is what the brand does to the customers. The art will make them stay special. "Think.Play.Enchant " is the tagline and motto of the brand. The brand takes part in active society works and keeps improving the connection with the customers. The shoot was done with the theme of friendship, happiness and fun. The design on the clothing also resembles that of the atmosphere is set in and also adds into the brands tag "Think.Play.Ennchant"
ENCHANT: Shoot 3
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