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We provide a full range of best Lawyers services

Personal injuries are legally defined as any damage or form of aggression caused to the physical body or to the mental and emotional state of a person, whether caused intentionally or not. The term personal injury is also used to refer to the process of civil liability in which a person incurs when another person accuses him / her of causing a physical or mental and / or emotional injury due to negligence. Determining responsibility for an accident or injury can be complicated, and this depends on whether the people were careful or negligent when it happened. That is why it is very important to take into account the following information, in case you want to make a compensation claim: Types of personal injuries, what to do in case of accident and recommendations.

We are a group of personal injury lawyers from Morgan & Morgan with decades of experience serving the Hispanic community in Columbia. is the first personal injury lawyer firm: our goal is that you can access legal aid from anywhere, in the simplest way possible.
The idea of ​​ grew out of our recognition that legal support does not always reach the people who need it most. We know that it is more difficult to achieve justice in this country as an immigrant or Latino, because we have seen and lived it. The language barrier, discrimination and the lack of reliable legal information often prevent justice from being done in Hispanic communities. However, all, documented or not, have the same fundamental rights. We use technology to provide you with information about your rights and the steps you must take in all kinds of legal situations. So you have the power to decide your future and you can count on a team of real people ready to talk to you and listen to your story. As Latinos, we are in the union of two worlds. And for that, we are your best option.

Family law is an area of ​​legal practice that focuses on issues related to family relationships, such as adoption, divorce and custody of children, among others. Lawyers practicing family law can represent clients in family court proceedings or related negotiations and can also draft important legal documents, such as court petitions or property agreements. Some family law attorneys even specialize in adoption, paternity, emancipation or other matters that are not usually related to divorce.

We have accredited specialists in family law available to provide you with the best advice, information and experience in family law that you deserve at this difficult time. Our family lawyers can also arrange for you to meet with one of our experienced family lawyers at a law firm in the Calgary region in a variety of areas of law since 1998.
We provide a full range of best Lawyers services

We provide a full range of best Lawyers services


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