Architecture implies the becoming of space; a notional boundary that declares a personal interior. It is a mechanism for living that engages the mind of the architect. The founding of space leads to another, if that’s what the plan dictates.

A drawing provides a set of rules to equate the balance between the mind and the eye, traipsing through governed symbology that asserts its former reference; a chaos of time that seeks to open new doors of enchantment.

The object is unknown until the drawing releases architecture; an audience and the notion of an economy. It can not be said what has been made or the reason for its instigation; this is an emotive response to the appearance of your surroundings that was drawn out of necessity.

The clamour of work is deafening as confidence begs the question of authority in an already Topsy Turvy World; there is play and there is determination; the necessity to be heard. And while the drawing evokes the process of its craft and its need for interest, we can only assume that the architect exists somewhere between the delineation of lines populated by another’s imagination eager to engage in this apparent pursuit into the realm of happiness.
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