This project is to comment on aspects of the world and the society we live in. It is meant to turn heads (to some it may be offensive). I will add a quick description of what it means to me. I encourage all to look with an open mind and take in mine, and create your own meaning. 
""Religious Medication"
Multi-meaning piece. Powerful medications with dangerous and addictive side effects are commonly used in an almost religious way, as in, handing more and more out expecting it to solve all our issues. While religion can be used in the same way as these powerful drugs as a way to find hope and comfort in life.
"Stand Above Violence"
Everywhere you look or go there are signs of violence and the consequences that come along with it. If we could all just stand together and stand above violence we may be able to make some serious changes. This requires more than just telling yourself not to be violent. We must get to the bottom of why people act violent and solve those issues. 
Social Comentary

Social Comentary

Social commentary. commenting on aspects of life and society. Caution: contain may be offensive to some. Enjoy with an open mind

