Profilo di Gergana Kyurkchieva

Website design, UI, UX -

Web design for
Working together with the marketing team at UltraPlay, we completely changed the look and feel of their corporate website.
We added lots of new functionalities, like:
​​​​​​​interactive awards section;
user friendly and flexible contact form;
clients testimonial section;
• enhanced careers page;
• brand new news and articles section.

Our task was to create a website with user experience, fresh design, complete info and easy navigation. Work on the site is still in progress, but you can check what is done so far here
After the homepage welcomes you with an animated SVG, symbolizing the products and services of the company, you are then invited to explore their products in more detail, while scrolling down. Clicking on "View" leads to even more detailed page, dedicated to every product, to ensure great presentation and maximum information given to the potential customer.
The Careers page lets you browse available jobs, apply for ones you like, gives more light about the company as an employer and lets you in the friendly atmosphere that is present at the office.
UltraPlay is an award-winning company, so I designed an interactive way of showing the awards. Although, I will change it, as soon as they win another prize. At first I wanted to create something unique, but right now I see the need to make every little peace of advantage easily accessible.
Vector graphics used in the website
I created those beautiful vectors to represent every product and help balance the content. Those graphic elements make the site easier to comprehend, colorful and good-looking.
Thank you for viewing my project, don't forget to show some love ❤
Website design, UI, UX -

Website design, UI, UX -

Design for UltraPlay's new corporate site, including - web design, UI design, UX design, icons, custom vectors, graphics, font choice, pictograms Leggi di più
