Henkilön Ivan Mancenido profiili

Board Game Rough Draft

 Brain Storming and Concept Art


This is the rough draft of the board game outline, overall the first run through of the game was good, it had some flaws such as the dares not being school friendly but other than that, everything went smoothly and the rules made sense and the players were able to play
Game Rules

1)  Roll the dice to determine how much u go up by
2)  if u land on “D”, you have to pick from the dare card
3)  If u choose not to do the dare you move down 3 spaces
4)  If you land on “safe” you have a free pass for one dare only
5)  Keep reusing the deck if you run put of cards, just shuffle them
6)  First one to finish the game wins

Final Reflection
Overall, the final run through was a success, the rules made sense and my other group mates knew what to do as well. The overall concept about the dares were fixed and most of them were school appropriate. The dares were funny and was able to put a smile on all our faces, I think you will really enjoy this game depending on your group and partners but overall a fun game
Board Game Rough Draft

Board Game Rough Draft
