A rebranding of Folgers coffee to reach a millennial, eco-conscious demographic. Because seniors are the current common Folgers consumer, I wanted to shift the brand to reach a new audience and keep the brand relevant. 
I maintained the vintage Folgers logo while updating the colors, and kept the overall design minimalistic. Because much of the coffee sold at the Folgers price point comes in canisters that are usually pretty old-school and busy looking, I kept my design clean so that the negative space would draw the consumer's eye in a sea of complicated packaging. 
The 2 stackable canisters screw onto each other, allowing the user to save their spent coffee grounds in the bottom compartment until their coffee is gone. Then, they can remove the lid from the bottom canister, screw the containers together, and use the whole thing as a compost pail. The informational wrap around band is meant to be removed and composted, and the "what can I compost?" icon sticker pulled off and stuck back onto the canister for easy reference. 
Perforated marks in the lid allow the user to poke holes to let CO2 escape once they're using the canister for compost, and the built in charcoal filter blocks odor. 
packaging design

packaging design

Folgers coffee targeting eco-conscious millennials. The double tiered canister becomes a compost bin after all the grounds are used.
