Logo and Jar Label design.
The client was a cottage industry scale entrepreneur producing home-made Jams and Preservatives - with large fruit content and minimal sugar content - looking to scale up in operations, marketing and brand profile.
The existing logo consisted of a tree and a mnemonic that was interrupted by the tree trunk. The aim was to simplify, minimize and enhance the Brand's visual appeal to more mainstream tastes. 
A base for the Tree was introduced, the tree itself was refined and fruited, the type was replaced with a clean, formal san serif font to convey a solid,  rooted base. The circular border contained and provided a deep base color to contrast with the light Gold of the Branding components.
An Artisanal style was initially proposed for the packaging - earthy, light, hand-drawn and with minimal colors.
A more realistic, photograph based packaging scheme was then worked on. The logo and title font were developed, along with the formulating the hierarchy of content required to  be displayed in the packaging.
The final jar label was designed to be minimal and compact, leaving enough room for the product to be seen directly by the consumer. 
The title emphasis was placed on the flavor (contents), with the logo taking a secondary position and the product benefits (75% fruit, 100% natural) being the next prominent visual element.
Orchard Lane


Orchard Lane

Logo and Label design for a start up brand making artisinal jams and preserves.
