Global Game Jam - Don't Fret
2018's Global Game Jam featured a theme of Transmission. Working among a small team I contributed towards making a game in 48 hours that could meet this theme. The project allowed me to work on my UX and Design skills, but most importantly it forced me to work under short time constraints and with some people I had never met before.

Team Size: 8
Deadline: 48 Hours
Software: Unity, Photoshop
My Role: UX, UI Design, Level Design, Menu Design, Art Implementation
You have crash landed on an alien planet, you are left with only your trusty guitar to fend off the planet's inhabitants. You must recover the 4 missing pieces of your transmitter in order to signal a ship to come and rescue you.
The game met success in some areas, and it also showed the team areas that could have been worked on more. One of the main concepts the team wanted to implement was for the player's guitar attack to become more powerful and to sound stronger with each pickup, however this was not appropriately conveyed to the audio designer, and so was a shortcoming of the game. Overall the game was functional, and the team were proud to accomplish so much in a short time span. It was an excellent opportunity to work under pressure, and to meet new people with similar interests.
Don't Fret

Don't Fret
