Design 360° Magazine No.79 Illustration and Media


No.79  Illustration and Media  |  插画与媒介

As an important visual communication method in modern design, illustration has a pivotal position with its intuitive images and sense of real life. By arranging the content through wild imagination as well as diversified colors and patterns, illustration clarifies and intensifies the relevant information and concepts, thus illuminating and enlightening the public. From this aspect, illustration and design bear resemblance, both of which are the visual language content expression and information arrangement as their core. Hence, in the first issue of 2019, Design 360° takes illustration as the main topic to inspire the thinking of design.

插畫作為現代設計中一種重要的視覺傳達方式,以其直觀的形象性、真實的生活感在現代設計中有著舉足輕重的地位。插畫通過馳騁的想象力與多樣的色彩圖形來編排內容,使信息及概念變得更清晰強烈,從而“照亮”啟發大眾。從這個角度來說,插畫與設計的本質有著相近之處,兩者皆是以內容表達及信息排布為核心的一種視覺語言。因此,Design 360°在2019年的第一期雜誌,用插畫為題,以驅動設計之思。

book i   Lab  影像

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book ii  Vibe 風潮  |  Pop Art Pops Out   波普不“普”

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book iii  Force 原力  |  Illustration and Media  插畫與媒介

The Authorship of Creation  創作者身份

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New Media Context  新傳媒語境

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180° Feature  |  Healing Power of Space  空間治愈力


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270° Exchange  |  2018 Dutch Design Week  2018年荷蘭設計周

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| “Big, or Small” Exhibition  “大,不小”展

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315° Voice  發聲

: click the names to view more :

Publication Info

Chief Editor & Design Director: Joshua Wang
主編及設計總監:Joshua Wang

Associate Chief Editor: Hyde Ou

Editorial Consultants : Xiao Yong / Chen Nan / Javin Mo / Jiang Hua / Hei Yiyang
編輯顧問:肖勇 / 陳楠 / 毛灼然 / 蔣華 / 黑一烊

Design Assistants : Antiny Wu / Human Cai
設計助理:吳燕婷 / 蔡曉敏

Coordinator & Flowcharting : Lauren Luo

Editors :Lauren Luo / Yuer Bi / Yeeman Lin / Daan Chen / Leslie Z
編輯:羅咏詩 / 畢玉兒 / 林怡雯 / 陳丹 / 張湉加


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Design 360° Magazine No.79 Illustration and Media

Design 360° Magazine No.79 Illustration and Media

As an important visual communication method in modern design, illustration has a pivotal position with its intuitive images and a sense of real l Mehr anzeigen
