Big Data. It's a word often misused and misunderstood. Qrious is a business operating at the forefront of data technology that required a clear proposition and identity to stand apart from the big data crowd. By changing the narrative from big data to intelligent decision making, the true value that Qrious offered was quantified and understood.

The insight:
We discovered that Qrious blends IQ and EQ to help companies realise their true potential from data. This is not actually about data - this is about people, communication, alignment and understanding. This project united and transformed an organisation from focusing on tech and numbers, to focusing on growth, value and action.

Our Approach:
We captured Qrious’s key benefit within the creative idea of ‘Unleashing Intelligence’. This set the platform for an identity that was vibrant, progressive and sophisticated. A far cry from the standard corporate positioning of their competitors. Qrious now had an identity and expression that captured not only their analytical data-driven core, but also their human understanding that brings those insights to life.



