Ying Jun Cheng 的個人檔案Jonathon Weller 的個人檔案

Sunrise Sunset calendar

This was a collaboration project with Jonathon Weller. Produced by applying our interests of photography and data-mapping. The calendar displays information of the sunrise and sunset times associated with the latitude of Richmond, Va and the moon phases. The photography was sourced from my "a-photo-a-day" project and was grouped into themes for for each month. Although there were themes set by us, we emphasize that it is up for interpretation by the viewer. The themes range from faces, skies, typography, to nature. For the final output, we used a laser cutter to cut out
strips from the paper to divide the days as well as letting the indoor or natural lighting to interact with the calendar.
showing all the months together, visualizing the sunrise and sunset times specific to Richmond, Va. 
Sunrise Sunset calendar

Sunrise Sunset calendar

A calendar that displays information of the sunrise and sunset times associated with the latitude of Richmond, Va and the moon phases. Photograph 閱讀更多
