Profil von Jeff Boynton

Sci-Fi Modular Rooms

Low-Poly Sci-Fi Modular Rooms
A Low-Poly Sci-Fi fully modular environment that I have created for a game I am working on with colleagues. The rooms will be generated by procedure. Empty spaces between the existing rooms can either be plugged with a wall, or a entryway which connects to another room. 

Having no prior experience with building a modular environment, it took many iterations to get all the rooms to mesh together properly. 

I created base materials in Unreal for 3 separate material slots associated with each room. One for the primary color, one for the trim, and another for the floor.
Creation Date: February 20th, 2019
Software Used: Maya LT, Unreal Engine 4
Sci-Fi Modular Rooms

Sci-Fi Modular Rooms

A Low-poly Sci-Fi modular environment
