Sarah Pursells profil

College Coursework: Fine Arts

Large Scale Watercolor
Oil Paint still life ("Complementary Color Still-Life" Painting)
Large Oil Paint on Canvas- Recreation of a Renoir painting ("Master Study" Painting)
Woodcut Print
Woodcut Print - Self Portrait
Charcoal sketch - Self portrait (Basis for woodcut print above)
Abstract Oil Painting on Canvas - "Purge" Painting
Oil Paint on Canvas - Large scale still life ("Complex Still-Life" Painting)
Watercolor on newsprint
Graphite Owl Sketch
One of my senior woodcut prints using black and color inks. It was framed and donated to my sorority's campus house.
It showcases symbolic items specific to the organization.
College Coursework: Fine Arts

College Coursework: Fine Arts

An assortment of drawings, paintings and prints from various undergraduate courses.
