Ampliz Data-Product For B2B Search

Design By : Prashant Tiwari
Lets get started with onbording leads
Ampliz Data Dashboard where you can view your Monthly credit and also subscribe our plans, you can manage your sub users and target audience
Advance Search for Ampliz Data where you can search according to Name, Title Company And Technologies.This is a kind of auto-search
Add New Target Aduience for Ampliz Data where you Add your new target audience by filling this sidebar form and you can manage the size and Revenue with the help of slider
In add new target audience You can add or delete your levels and is a auto search field.
Add New Subuser is a side bar were you can fill a sidebar form to add your subuser into a dashboard
This is a search Result when you search for any contact or company or your filters are saved according to your search criteria ,on right sidebar you can filter your data according to departments, Levels, Zipcode Area and Manymore
This is the screen which is used for Enrich the data, in first process you have to select what data you want to Enrich.
This is the screen which is used for Upload and Maping, in Second process you have to Drop or select your files which you want to upload and after that it atomaticaly map your data and give you a Maped data in table which are given right side in the screen
This is the screen which is used for Than You Massage, in Third process you Will get a thank you massage that your file has been sucessfully submitted.
This is the screen which is used Specific Profile View, Where you can find the personal information , company information and many more, here we have putted the tab view.when you click on any contact the next tab will open for specific profile
This is the screen For select all deta or you can select according to your contacts
Ampliz Peoject


Ampliz Peoject
