Profil appartenant à Dotty Turner

Hinder headlines the Aftershock on 1-31-19

Hinder headlines at the Aftershock for the resurrection of KC Productions Live as well as Thomas Caprefoli's birthday celebration. They played to a packed house for this event.
Beyond the Grey opens for Hinder at the Aftershock. What a magnificent performance from this band!
KC rock band, Unwritten Rulz opens the Hinder show at the Aftershock! I absolutely love this band! 
Happy Birthday to Thomas Caprefoli of KC Productions Live, and WELCOME BACK! Here we see the resurrection of this, once thriving, production company from KC. I like the idea of this company resurfacing to once again, bring some excellent shows to the music scene in Kansas City. 
All photos captured by Memories by Dotty, officially shooting for KC Productions while on assignment for 106.6 the Blast and ITN Magazine, staff photographer. 

Hinder headlines the Aftershock on 1-31-19
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Hinder headlines the Aftershock on 1-31-19

Happy Birthday to Thomas Caprefoli of KC Productions Live, and WELCOME BACK! Here we see the resurrection of this, once thriving, production comp Lire la suite

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