Being part of my college degree praxis, I was often in charge of organizing dinners and parties of all the design classes.
This poster series was developed in partnership with Luís Quintino.

Each class should carry, as dresscode, a piece of cloth of the respective color. In other option they could bring the college outfit. Poster information is pretty obvious: place, time, dinner price, etc. Although it was pretty simple, it had a nice reception in the classes.
At the beginning of the 2011/2012 school year, me and my two housemates organized a series of game tournaments.
To give more emphasis and identity to this small event, I made this poster. A simple assembly with clear appeal to the Olympics.
Again, as being part of my college degree praxis, I was often in charge of organizing dinners and parties of all the design classes. This one samples the dresscode: bow tie. A quick stock image compostion. I made it simple, so i could arrange the information, in a white background.
Once again, as being part of my college degree praxis, I was often in charge of organizing dinners and parties of all the design classes.

This one relates to the "Festa do Avec". "Avec" is a pejorative term used to characterize the portuguese emigrant in France. Usually, they tend to have a style quite disconnected when they return to Portugal and nevertheless carry with them images of idols Portuguese and hear traditional music. The poster surrounds all of those icons in a craft composition.
2011 / Posters

2011 / Posters

Series of posters developed during 2011.



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