10 ♦ Diamonds​​​​​​​

I was invited by Playing Arts to create the design for the card 10 of Diamonds. This was really fun to create as its a tribute to my grandmother who loved birds. Her favorite bird is the Red Cardinal. Growing up she taught me about birds and their habitats.

I created the tree branches to wrap around the bird, similar to a birds nest. The design and shape of the branches are all forming triangular shapes to fit the theme of Diamonds within Diamonds. 

Digital Art :  Photo-manipulation, Digital Painting, 3D Abstract

Design :  Wacom / Photoshop CC / Maya / Adobe Suite

ian v. studios  2020 - All Rights Reserved ®



Thank you for viewing. This is an ongoing project, showcasing new work, and expanding my skills.

Art Direction / Creative Advertisement / Editorial Design / Communication  by Ian V.
Year 2016  ®
Instagram / Flickr / MattePaint.com
10 ♦ Diamonds

10 ♦ Diamonds

10 ♦ Diamonds - Playing Arts
