Tomas Rychter 的個人檔案

Wheelchair accessible planter

HND2 project in which I was tasked with designing a planter that is optimised for wheelchair users allowing them to easily grow plants and vegetables in urban environment for instance in community garden.
From primary research over ideation sketches it was hand on approach that was most important for this project as it wasn't really about style but function and solving real issues that wheelchair users face on daily basis.
I worked on number of concepts using scale sketch models that together with scale figurine and wheelchair allowed me to see how would user interact with planters.
I decided to use fibercotta for main body of my planter as it is lightweight, eco-friendly material which allows for planter to breathe which is good for the soil and fibercotta should be strong enough material allowing for foldable benches to be mounted onto the body making it not just a big planter but interactive space for people to hang around.  
This planter not only allows for users in wheelchair to comfortably grow plants but it also encourages able bodied users to come around and use it as a seating promoting social aspect of community gardens as they are not only a place for people to grow fruit and vegetables but place where people can meet their neighbours and socialise.
Wheelchair accessible planter

Wheelchair accessible planter

Wheelchair accessible planter designed to be placed in community gardens.
