Rasberry Designss profil

Szimpla Kert Promo Booklet

The Brief
A university project, we were tasked with designing a double page spread filled with handwritten content with the intent to persuade. I decided to take this further and push myself to create an entire booklet. 

I was initially given a theme - natural wonders - but as I felt so passionate about this subject, I decided to pitch my idea to the course leader and she granted my request.

As everything in the bar is misplaced, messy and wonderfully weird, my intention for the final outcome was a booklet that felt raw and shoved together, with a doodled graffiti feel throughout.

All of the illustrations are my own.
The Development
Below, you can find some of the earlier stages of development.
Photography Attributions
Although a few of the photos are my own, I did lend a licensed few from Flickr!
Dmitri Korobtsov, Letizia Pradella, Luca Guzzo, NeoEvents and Skiappa Miki. 

Szimpla Kert Promo Booklet

Szimpla Kert Promo Booklet
