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Reporters without Borders – Fonts for Freedom

Fonts For Freedom. We took the fonts from newspapers that have been censored and shut down around the world, and created a creative tool that gives people the chance to voice their opinion on freedom of press using these revived fonts.
Outdoor. Upon Turkish president Recep Erdogan’s arrival to Germany was confronted with posters promoting press freedom. With clear statements set in the fonts of newspapers he had just banned.​​​​​​​
Online. The website provides more information about banned newspapers and their history. Anyone can download the fonts and use them to make a statement in support of press freedom, which they can personally typeset with the help of generator.
Print. Germany’s best-known daily newspapers used the fonts on their front and media pages, replacing their house fonts with Fonts for Freedom.
Results. Fonts for Freedom has brought banned newspapers back into public focus around the world. 
132 countries | 830 million contacts | 2.7 million interactions
Reporters without Borders – Fonts for Freedom
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Reporters without Borders – Fonts for Freedom

In 2018 alone, over 140 media organisations around the world were closed. Including many daily newspapers. We took the fonts from newspapers tha Lire la suite

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