Bright Lights USA, Inc., is a Barrington, New Jersey-based defense manufacturing company founded by Daniel Farber in 1990. Beyond the company’s fully compliant defense equipment and parts manufacturing services, Bright Lights USA (BLUSA) supports philanthropic organizations, such as the American Red Cross.

The American Red Cross provides a range of humanitarian services to in-need populations around the world. American Red Cross blood drives represent one of the organization’s most well-known and important services. Blood donations are needed in the United States every two seconds, including during surgical procedures, cancer treatments, and following serious injuries and accidents. A single donation to the Red Cross can save up to three lives.

However, prior to locating a local donation center, individuals must first ensure that they are eligible donors. Specific eligibility requirements vary from state to state and based on the type of donation being made. Common reasons for ineligibility include suffering from a cold or the flu at the time of a scheduled donation and incompatible medications. Individuals must also be old enough to donate, though age restrictions may be lifted if a parent or guardian is present. Using the Red Cross RapidPass service found at, individuals can enter basic information in order to expedite the donation process once they reach their local donation center.
Donating Blood to the American Red Cross

Donating Blood to the American Red Cross
