The Bondmaid (promo)

The Bondmaid project (promo)

The creative was from our friend Ira, she came with idea of picture frames of that period of time. It was far 1856 year when slaves in Ukraine was like normal thing. And rich people was able to do anything with their slaves.
Frames itself

The bride
War hero

Design Department Team

Chief Designer: Dmytro Litvinenko
Art Director: Pavel Lebedev 
Producer: Lilya Zhyrko, Juriy Sheka
Idea: Natalia Protcenko
Logo: Natalia Postna, Julia Kotsuba
Animation: Pavel Lebedev, Igor Mizinchuk
Compositing: Pavel Lebedev, Igor Mizinchuk
Costume design: Dmytro Kuryata
Director of photography: Juriy Korol
Director: Sergey Storozhev

Thank you

The Bondmaid (promo)