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Geometry on design and Architecture. By PlatonLab.

On the border of the epochs
Reconstruction of architecture. Not superficially by the usual approaches. The upheaval of the settled upside down, the shift of the usual, the introduction of a new one from the paralyzed worlds.
Reconstruction of the habitat and existence, dismantling of the structure, its reconstruction, in part or better, completely.
Accurate separation of the living from the vestigium. Transition and update - system change, dissent. Without harming the Living One itself, on the contrary - by reviving it. Resuscitation, returning to life everything that tiresomely stops, exhausts, atrophies due to the obsolescence of canons ...
The atmosphere, which is the source of new desires and attitudes, leads to another systemic thinking.

Geometry on design and Architecture. By PlatonLab.

Geometry on design and Architecture. By PlatonLab.

Реконструкція тераси ресторану. Проектування та виготовлення модульної конструкції здійснене творчою майстернею Платон Лаб.
