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Organizational and EX: TALK Well-Being Program

What started out as an internal design workshop assignment, progressed to a one-on-one conversation with our CEO, and eventually became a mental well-being program adopted by the region and recognized by the global Havas offices.

The biggest challenge in designing a program like this is not about what to call it or what activities to come up with, but it's about changing mindsets and behavior especially at the C-level. An employee program such as this should be embodied from top to bottom and being able to open the conversation on mental health in the workplace and get management's support was a big achievement in itself. Our team of mental health advocates, including our CEO, co-created this program. We were able to create a partnership with In Touch Philippines to provide employees with free counseling hours and a number of skill builder talks and activities throughout the year. It became an advocacy that hopes to end the stigma around talking about mental health, especially in the workplace. While awareness is important, proper awareness is also key. Our partnership with In Touch Philippines allowed us to bridge Havas Ortega employees with the right professional support they need to address issues they are experiencing when it comes to mental health.
Talk Marks. Share, Empathise. "I have something to say." I am listening."
I led the team in the creation of an identity for the program that clearly communicates our bigger goal and unifies all the moving parts under one call to action. TALK became our anchor and the verb that embodies what we wanted to achieve. We wanted everyone to find comfort in talking about their struggles and to be encouraged to reach out to professionals for help. Its branding turned TALK into a movement that everyone participated in and that sparked the conversation not only within the company but with other industry leaders as well.

Visually, we leveraged on the worldwide branding of Havas— using the 'h' of the logo as the A and the L, which later on became the TALK Mark: 2 arrows pointing in the opposite directions "^v" . The TALK Mark symbolized support and being there for each other even through a simple conversation. It can also be used as a call for help when you cannot put your feelings into words and organize your thoughts into a statement.

Aside from the year-round subsidized counseling and pocket workshops for all employees, our team created activities to celebrate and highlight mental health month— which carried on every year since its launch.
Everyone embraced the movement and embodied our message, and it was truly inspiring. But I believe that well-being programs should not stop there. It should be able to address employee experience in different levels and tackle daily stressors. While not officially under TALK, I continued with initiatives such as streamlining and digitizing finance forms designed to make it easier for the users to fill-up, assisting everyone in shifting to an all online platform via Office 365 during the pandemic by showing the human and behavioral side of the online tools, and automating leave requests for easier remote filing, tracking, and approval.

When the pandemic hit, we created a hub called Quaranthings and an internal movement named COPING-19. Quaranthings was a repository of information, schedules, WFH initiatives, and Office 365 guide; using SharePoint. COPING-19 was a series of initiatives such as DJ Nights, Pictionary, and Game Nights on Teams, posts created by employees that shared tips and insights on how they are coping during these uncertain times.

Working on these programs really taught me how and where points of integrations between design, HR, and IT are essential in making a difference in employee experience. I know for sure that I have barely scratched the surface and I am driven to create more positive change in employees' lives.

Check out the following links to see some of the conversations TALK has sparked locally and globally:

Organizational and EX: TALK Well-Being Program
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