3 Classic Books That Successful People Have Read

The next time you hear someone saying how hard they have it listen to what the others around them are saying. I cannot believe what I hear most of the time; it's like a contest to see who has it worst! Instead of talking each other up and trying to see who has the better life, these people are talking each other down and trying to see who has it the hardest! This is a great example of the Law of Attraction at work. Oil and water will not mix, they can coexist for a time but they always separate and go their separate ways, so too is it with people of different beliefs, habits, tastes and that have nothing in common.

Can you imagine a person who loves football, I mean really loves the sport so much they talk about it all the time, hanging out with someone that cannot stand the sport? These people would not only be unable to talk to each other for very long, but I doubt they could stay in the same room with each other. It is every person's DUTY to aim high in life; you owe it to yourself, your family, your community, your country, and the world. Nothing is beyond your reach and possibility if you believe and have the will do achieve it, along with a definite chief aim, and a detailed plan.

All great leaders have a definite chief aim and a plan on how to achieve it; it is this sense of knowing what they are doing, and the confidence they radiant, that attracts others of like minds and wins their following and loyalty. Who do you spend your time with? Those like you are those opposite of you and opposed to your thoughts and beliefs? The Law of Attraction is old and has been believed in and taught for thousands of years; it works, use it, or not, the decision is yours, as it the success or failure.

Many people are frustrated because they do not know what they are doing with their lives. Understandably, they flounder when they do not know what it is that they are working towards. It often feels too hard to figure out the answer. As a result, a lot of people get stuck along the way, even giving up and saying that there is no use in trying. No wonder so many people feel an underlying malaise with their lack of fulfillment.

Dream Machine Review

Dream Machine Review

