Promo Video
The packaging includes hand stamped bags & tags which would incorporate hand written titles of the piece and price.
Mail orders will include the bracelet and bag, along with packaging slip, thank you card and business card.
Kinetic Collection Look Book
The current series of bracelets falls under the Kinetic Collection. This look book shows off these pieces, incorporating Japanese Stab Binding.
Promotional Ads/Posters
Stationery & Business Forms
The four primary brand colors are carried throughout all packaging and printed collateral. Within the business forms, the primary plum color is used. The business forms, such as the invoice and purchase order sheets use the blue.
Thank you for watching. Please check out for more on the bracelets!
Video Credits:
Project Manager/Graphic Designer: Adam Rogers
Director/Editor: Emily Tolan
Cinematographer: Kelsey Verderber
Cam B Op: Jessica Trevett
Photography: Adam Rogers
Wet Clay

Wet Clay

Complete branding (including identity, packaging, web, and photography) for a company called Wet Clay.
