Each year, a committee chooses a book for all incoming first-year students to read and discuss together. The Graphic Design 346 class reads the book before anyone else and comes up with a poster design.  This year we were given the opportunity to design the book cover as well.  The winning design will be put up as posters around campus, sent as postcards, and replace the covers of the 5,000 books that will be given to the incoming freshmen.
And I was lucky enough to win!
Here is my design through a couple of it's more distinct phases and then in its final form.  I had a pretty clear idea from start to finish.  The poster, postcards, and book cover will be added when I receive them!
Final Design
Received an email to do some last minute changes.  Here's the final version, along with the proof that I was sent today.
Note: I did NOT lay out the text on the spine or the back. That was done by the designer at Penguin.
Thank you very much to the committee and also to the wonderful Drew Magary for writing a book that was so inspiring to me. I seriously flew through this book in less than a day. It was fantastic.
The Postmortal

The Postmortal

A book cover redesign and poster for "The Postmortal" by Drew Magary.
